Lifelight Astrology December 2013

The world needs loveThis is one power packed month folks! As Sagittarius shoots his fiery arrows heavenward, we are all being prompted to follow his lead……. get out of our boxes, expand our paradigms,  look above our egos, personal stories and dramas and to become part of a new earth, a new vision, a new consciousness.

I don’t think any of us can ignore the incredible amount of evidence that we are indeed experiencing a shift in consciousness, and that our reality as we know it, is changing…. and quickly too. You and I, right now, have an important job to do….. and Venus, the planet of Love clearly tells us what it is.

On the solstice later this month, she turns retrograde until the end of January, which means that she will spend about 4 months in the sign of Capricorn.  The message is so clear – its time that we embrace the mature, authentic feminine and really experience love at its deepest level. I’m not talking about romantic “chocolates and roses” type love (although there’s nothing wrong with that), but rather the pure spark of divine love that exists in each of us… Love as THE frequency of the Universe, of God.

I’m pretty sure this is what all the greatest teachers have been trying to tell us for millennia.

 “Love one another” – Jesus Christ

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your own heart” Carl Jung

“When we feel love and kindness towards others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us to develop inner happiness and peace”– Dalai Lama

“Reason is powerless in the expression of love” – Rumi

 “Eventually you come to understand that love heals everything and love is all there is” – Gary Zukav

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love andaffection”. Buddha

Ask any question – and just see … if love might just be the answer.

 If you have any doubt, try it out (hah that rhymes!). If you have a conflict with someone, instead of lashing out and reacting in anger, try acting in love and see what happens. If you think you can’t do something, feel stuck, useless, desperate, sad or confused, see what happens when you go into stillness, connect to your heart and send yourself love… because it always starts with loving and accepting ourselves.

If you find that the answers which come to you are judgmental, angry, guilt-ridden or critical, they are coming from your mind, not your heart. After all, what are anger, sadness and pain but the soul’s desire for love? What if, this month, when we start thinking resentful thoughts or talking negatively about somebody or something, we just stop – there and then… in that moment and focus on something more empowering, more uplifting, more loving.

We don’t even have to look for love, because it’s always there and it’s our natural vibration.  All we have to do is tune into it… be receptive to it.  It’s much like receiving the frequency of light through our retinas when we open our eyes.  To access the frequency of Love, we need to open our hearts and immediately, our vibration increases and harmonises with the Universal rhythm. When we do that, not only does our own spiritual frequency rise, but we also help to heal the planet. On the flip side, when we live entirely from the egoism mind, we vibrate in a way that is counter to the Universal rhythm and actually do more damage – no wander Mother Earth is in the state she’s in.

There is so much we can do to connect to our hearts and raise our vibration -quiet our minds, spend time in nature, listen to beautiful music, play with children, meditate, give and receive energy healing, dance, sing, hug another human being, do a random act of kindness, make art, stroke an animal, forgive everybody, be grateful for everything… each of us know what takes us into our heart space and we need to do it …every day.

The one choice we all have in these challenging, somewhat difficult times, is how we deal with and react to every single thing that happens in our lives. If we continually, minute by minute, take responsibility for making less ego based choices and more heart based ones, I believe we are participating and helping to precipitate great change.

Both the New moon on the 3rd  December and the Full moon on the 17th  have  strong Sagittarian themes, so its all  about breaking out of our comfort zones, stepping out of our old paradigms of conditioned beliefs and reaching for our own authentic truth, raising our consciousness and understanding that Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. As we step into love, gratitude and acceptance, we start to free our hearts and minds and the rest of our lives and those of others follow suit.

This is month to let go of anything that makes us feel stagnant or small and embrace that which grows us,  s t r e t c h e s   u s   and raises our vibration.

I still have some places left on my Gratitude workshops on the 7th, 13th and 14th December, where we will do exactly that.   Come and join us for a day of good vibrations! Read more 

I posted a link to this video a few years back, by Kiesha, Little Grandmother – she talks more about the subject of love and it’s really worth the watch.  Part one  ;  Part two


This is a good time of the year to have an astrology reading or an update. We will wrap up the past year and see where you’re headed in 2014. I will  be around for December and January for consultations –  person to person in Durban and on Skype if you live elsewhere.


For those of you who have not yet liked my Facebook page, we’d love you to join our online community. Check it out here


As we head towards the end of the year, I’d like to thank all my friends, clients and colleagues for the important part you have played in my life this year. I would also like to thank you for reading my ramblings. May you have a beautiful, love filled festive season.

In Life and Light
