Mature feminineSunday’s first Quarter moon has set the scene for an interesting week. First of all, most of you will be pleased to know that Mercury will turn direct on Tuesday, so computer and communication glitches should start easing up. However there’s still some dreaminess and possible confusion around  for most of the week, so be careful when making decisions or signing contracts. Use the creative energy to make or appreciate art, music, dance,  or to spend time in nature, connecting with the beauty around you, even for 5 minutes a day.  

The focus this week  is firmly on the Feminine, with Venus, the planet of love, beauty and money having just entered Capricorn, where she will stay until March next year. She brings with her a level of maturity in the way we handle our relationships, our finances and whatever is valuable to us. If you have a creative outlet which you enjoy, you may feel called upon to spend more time with it and take it more seriously. This earthy Venus also encourages us to find and feel gratitude in our everyday lives, to roll up our sleeves and commit to attending to the present moment, with as much grace as possible.

In my December Art & Soul workshop – we’ll be looking back on the past year and creating a beautiful Gratitude Collage. Click here for more details

As Venus joins Pluto on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, she invites us to  consciously excavate whatever’s been left unattended to in our relationships, financial affairs, or our creativity, without being drawn into the drama of the story, which will be very tempting. Make a commitment to yourself to bring anything you’ve been ignoring or putting off, out into the open.

Those financial worries and woes? – sit down and face them.

Whatever you’ve been procrastinating about – just do it.

The relationship issue that’s been niggling you? Have a heart-to-heart discussion with the person. This is a powerful opportunity to heal our relationships on a deeper level than before.

Any gremlins left unattended and ignored are likely to come bubbling, full of fire and brimstone, to the surface anyway, so we might as well lift the lid gently before that happens.

All in all, this is a great week to embrace the mature, grounded feminine side of yourself, to  show up, feel what you feel and deal with what needs to be dealt with, one step at a time… mountain goat style.

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